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3D Ludo

3D Ludo is a creative and vibrant version of the classic Ludo table game, where players can experience the excitement of shaking baskets and moving the chess troops in a three-dimensional space. 

Your mission is to take part in the race to get your four chess troops to the target first.  

Controls Guide

  • Each player shakes the basket to determine the number of moves.
  • If you shake the number six, you can shake it again.
  • Move your squad by the number of points on the basket.
  • If the chess team stops at a chassis with a stairhead, you can move to the top of the staircase.
  • If the chess team stops at a snake-headed cage, you'll be bitten by the snake and have to move down the snake's tail.
  • The first player to bring all four chess troops home is the winner.
  • There are many different death levels, depending on your preferences and choices.

Good luck, and have fun with 3D Ludo!

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