Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe is a simple but exciting game. Using the two X and O characters, the player turns and marks the correct spaces in a 3x3 grid. Your task is to place your three points in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row! How many rounds in a row can you win?
Controls Guide
- Draw nine squares on a board with three rows and three columns.
- To fight against your opponent, choose the O or X character that represents you.
- In this game, whoever holds the X goes first. You can mark an X or an O in any empty cell on the table.
- You win if you create three identical characters in a row, column, or cross-line.
- Continue playing until someone wins or the table is full of characters.
- If there's no winner and the table is full, the game is over. You'll have to start over at a new table!
Tic Tac Toe won't disappoint you!
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