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Reversi is a classic two-player tactical game. This is where creativity and strategy intersect to create dramatic matches. On an 8x8 chess table, two players compete to take over the table by "turning" their opponent's chess army into their own color. Each chess line has two sides, one light and one dark, representing each player.

Controls Guide

  1. The game begins with four chess troops placed in the middle of the chess table, forming an X.
  2. Players in turn place the chess army on the table, with the goal of "turning" the opponent's chess.
  3. A valid race requires your squad to lie next to your opponent's squad, creating a continuous sequence from your squadron to your other squad.
  4. When a move is made, all of your opponent's squads between your two squads will be "turned" to your color.
  5. The game ends when there is no valid water left or the chessboard is filled.
  6. The winner is the one who has more of his colored chess troops on the chess board.

Tip and Trick:

  • Always try to control the corners of the chess board, because the squares at the corner cannot be reversed.
  • Be careful with placing the flag near the corners, as this may give the opponent a chance to take the corner.
  • Try to create "bridges" - your chess lines without being broken, to easily overturn your opponent's chess.
  • Reversi requires players to think carefully about your steps!

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Boardreversi strategyreversi 2 playerOthello online

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